View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sun May 27th, 2012 11:40

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
I am in Wales right now, in blistering sun, so far...

This morning I met up with Jeff (Blackfox) who showed me the Gronant dunes Little Tern colony.

Usually I have had zero success photographing birds in flight, and only limited success when they are sat on a perch 10ft from my lens! So I am delighted to report I got one half decent Tern pic. They are lively little birds flitting here and there, they hover over their nests with small sand eels then suddenly plummet down to the nest with the food for their partner who is sitting on eggs. This is a constant process. Looking through the 40 or so images I took they gradually improved as the session went on. The last but one was, in my opinion, half decent.

D200 - 300mm f2.8 Manual focus at f5.6 Aperture priority.

The first image is the whole frame untouched.

Many thanks for an enjoyable morning Jeff.


Attachment: Orig Little Tern - 4356 copy.jpg (Downloaded 62 times)
