View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu May 31st, 2012 03:01

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
blackfox wrote:
your doing well there robert ,we will make a wildlifer of you yet :whip::whip:

Thanks Jeff, I had more keepers on Monday but because I had upped the ISO on the D200 to ISO400 and the light was progressively worse, a lot of noise crept in which when removed some detail went with it, hence no close cropping.

I am happy enough though, I think in this case I enjoyed seeing the little birds flying and being so close to them. At times I could have almost reached out and touched them.

It's a great shame they are endangered, they are so beautiful, sleek and graceful flying in and out. I am indebted to Jeff for telling me about the colony, I would never have known about it otherwise. It is within easy walking distance of where I am staying.

Btw Jeff, if you go down again, the wardens asked me to stay down at the sand shingle line because they felt it was putting some of the bird off, standing close to the fence, so I moved back, it made no difference to my keeper rate.

One interesting thing I saw was one bird presumably a hen, playing hard to get, or she was ill?

One bird brought her a small Sand Eel and offered it for a long time, maybe 20 minutes, then a second bird brought another Sand Eel for her. The hen wouldn't take it and kept backing off.

Here is a photograph of the two birds flying in again with their offerings.

The narrow DoF is plainly visible, the birds were about 100 feet away.

D200 - Nikkor 300mm f2.8 MF - 1/640 Sec @ f8 ISO400

Attachment: Suitors.jpg (Downloaded 21 times)
