View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Apr 3rd, 2014 15:49

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6829
Hi welcome to the forum.
Looking at what you need it looks like you might like a Nikon D5300 or D7100.
These are two different cameras with different interfaces and functionality.

The D7100 is a more technical camera that can use older lenses as well as the latest.
The D5300 is more automated but has a more simplified interface but extra functions e.g. Wifi and GPS.

For me I think wifi is a gimmick as it doesnt provide fast enough transfer of large JPG or RAW files. GPS I use more often so it is more valuable to me.

For you I think maybe a D7100 is maybe what you really want!

Still learning after all these years!