View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Apr 20th, 2014 13:07

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
glocke12 wrote:
I've had a 24-70 mm lens for a few years now, and obtained some stunning results with it on my D7000. Never thought I had an issue with the lens until I switched to a D800E.

On the D800E, I am really noticing some softening in the corners of the images, and to my eye this is more noticeable in the right side of the image than the other. The center of the images are always pretty much tack sharp, and the corner/edge softness is not really that noticeable until you zoom in at 100% on the images.

I am assuming that this was not noticed on the D7000 because those areas of the frame would have been cropped by the D7000's sensor.

The lens has already been sent back once to Nikon for cleaning and calibration..

My question is this. Is this fairly typical behavior for this lens? If I were to try different copies would I stand a chance of finding one that is sharp from corner to corner or is that something that is really just a golden unicorn when it comes to zooms?

Don't get any edge issues with my 24-70 on the D3.o.O
