View single post by amazing50
 Posted: Fri May 30th, 2014 07:33


Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Posts: 571
I use leds for macro work. They are DC battery powered units so there is no flicker problem.

The AC units often flicker with the line current 50 cycles in Europe. Only the better ones have a stablized power supply.

There are some units that have 2 sets of diodes at different color temps. These can be varied to suit your needs.

It's often hard to get spectrum curves as Robert recomended, but shooting a pix of a color calibration chart (Google color calibration and select pictures, there are plenty to chose from) you can determine if the LED has a suitable spectrum for your work.

The attached pix was of Gas prices in N.Germany, I like to compare them to home. Note that the 5 is not illuminated in the pix although it it appears OK to the eye.

This flicker has also been problamatic when shooting video at concerts. Some of the stage lighting will cause flicker. The Nikons have a setting to reduce this and I found it best to set it to 50Hz rather than auto.

A good deal of the flicker can be cleaned up with software but it is time consuming and not 100%.

Attachment: LED Drop Out.jpg (Downloaded 31 times)

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace