View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Jun 5th, 2014 06:02

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
I think the new D4S lacks much new to tempt people from canon to Nikon or for a Nikon user to upgrade.

I have been analysing the situation ever since the D800 has been in my hands.
I dont need more MP than 24MP, the D800 with 36MP is fine if you are trying to not purchase a medium format upgrade such as the Pentax 645, Hasselblad H5, Leica S2, etc. But I dont personally need that.

The D600/610 are perfect as they are 24MPbut still have good high ISO performance. In fact much the same as the D3S but with more MP if you need it for the cropping.
That said my D3S is still very good and works well for me except on those occasions when I need to have a cropped section.

My Fuji XT1 is what I want from a Nikon D400. It is small, high performance except the AF which is still less than the speed of a DSLR. If Nikon dont want to use a EVF then I appreciate that the camera needs to be bigger to fit in an optical viewfinder from a conventional DSLR.
As far as MP goes I think once again 24MP is perfect.

Still learning after all these years!