View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Jul 18th, 2014 06:37

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6863
For those of you who know me from years gone by then you know that I dislike Nikon Capture CNX v1 and v2.
However there is now Nikon Capture NX-D

It is FREE.
Obviously it only supports Nikon cameras.

This software is a rewrite of the previous version and I can say that it is much, much better to the extent it is now installed on my main computer in case I need to use it.

One downside is that PicturePoint Control (Viveza2 technology as in GoogleNikSoftware) is no longer there.   I suppose you cant win every which way!.
The latest Google NikSoftware doesnt as yet work with NX-D so if you want then you have to use this via Photoshop.

Happy testing.

Still learning after all these years!