View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Apr 26th, 2012 11:12

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
This is just damage limitation speak. The more pixels the greater the risk to IQ.

We all KNOW that with ANY system the optimum results will be from ....tripod mounted camera, locked up mirror, low ISO, prime lens at f8ish (depending on lens), fast shutter speed, precise metering and good light.

Its needing (or choosing) to trade off some of these criteria that determines the ultimate quality of the end result ....and our satisfaction with the product.



But you are right Robert. We are in the classic improvement situation.... spending 90% effort to extract 10% more quality.

I bet all those D1 photos are being ripped up and burnt. ;-)







Last edited on Thu Apr 26th, 2012 11:14 by Eric
