View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Aug 13th, 2014 15:42

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
jk wrote:
The D70 images of mine that I posted is using some actions I have gathered over the years and modified and developed onwards in an attempt to make my IR processing easier/better.
These images were taken in a D70 with the LifePixel 720nm filter replacing the Nikon HotMirror filter.

The pseudo Ektachrome IR film effect on Robert's shot is something I have been trying to achieve and finally managed it.
I have the XMP for it so it should be reproducible. I will try and make a Photoshop Action over the next week or so.

Ah the first one isn't directly from the camera?

I thought it showed a colour temperature below 2000 and wondered if your filter was causing it...and how?
