View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Aug 17th, 2014 18:26

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
I am running with Fuji XT1, XPro1, XE1 with a pretty full set of Fuji lenses, these provide as good quality as my D600 but not so much detail as the D800, which I dont use that much unless I am doing promo work which is only very occasionally. The D800 is really great for landscape as it can render very subtle detail.

I have promised myself no more cameras until I find out what is happening at Photokina next month.

Regarding C1 presets I use a mixture of handcrafted sharpening and output. I have also started to use LR5.6 much more as I seem to have started to understand some of the evil/twisted logic of it controls and indeed unless the image is from a Fuji X-Trans camera then I tend to use that as my export mechanism for jpgs. I have different presets for Nikon and Fuji sharpening and output so this seems to work. For high quality output then I use C1 and output to TIFF and manage the image versions via LR.

Hope this helps as a general pointer. I can tell you individual settings if you need examples. Just PM me if you need more info.

Still learning after all these years!