View single post by Graham Whistler
 Posted: Tue Aug 19th, 2014 05:21
Graham Whistler

Joined: Sat Apr 14th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1888
I agree things have changed a lot in last 2 years. I find the little Sony RX10 produces all the quality I need most of the time.(Now I am semi retired.) Comparing like for like between the D800 and the Sony even on an A3+ print there is very little in it. With the smaller sensor the Sony has more depth of field compared with the same shot taken with an FX Nikon.

The Sony small size is a major advantage if you are out and about on holiday. IE it tends to be with you compared with the weight and size of a Nikon FX and 4 lenses in a large bag! If I was still working as a full time advertising photographer it would be the D810 every time as clients would not take you seriously with a little compact!

Graham Whistler