View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Sep 2nd, 2014 01:48

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Thanks JK, that is within 5% the right size on my screen. Gives a good impression of actual frame sizes for comparison. What was the 24 X 18? I think 110 was smaller than that and of course 60 X 45 was a very popular medium format size with a range of cameras like the Bronica 645.

One thing we have to remember is the film resolution didn't really change that much over the recent timescale. Granted in the early days the grain was pretty coa**e but once it had reached a plateau in the development it was pretty much the same whatever format you used, so larger format WAS better from an IQ point of view, to that extent film and digital are a bit different.

From a digital point of view larger photosites gather more light and are less susceptible to electronic noise, so from that aspect they are better.

But, what really matters, to me anyway, is how good the user needs the image to be. Most digital images are displayed and viewed on computer screens, which tend not to be ten foot wide.

I have made prints from my D200 which are cropped and more than 30 inches across the diagonal, which have drawn admiring viewers to exclaim at the quality of the image. The lab told me I could go bigger, I don't need more than that.
