View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Sep 11th, 2014 09:08

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Welcome to the forum MN.

I have a D3200 which I use as a knockabout, snapshot camera which I use mainly with an 18-105mm Nikkor lens, my main camera is the D200 which in use, is twice the camera at least, in my opinion.

The necessity to work through menus to alter the settings is the killer for me, that and the single command dial.

The D7200 is a capable body, but I would try to get your hands on a D300S to try for a couple of hours to see the difference in handling that brings. I doubt you would see much if any difference in image quality for family use but the speed of focusing and general handling are in a different league from the D3200. Never used a D7200 so can't comment on that.

I have missed numerous shots of family and pets using the D3200 which I would have caught with my D200.
