View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Sep 13th, 2014 10:34

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Came across a weird effect last week.

A pro photographer sent me some images for use in a publication, for a mutual client.

All the mages had been taken on the same day and copyright encrypted. It was a Canon image...which may or may not be relevant.

When I came to use them one image crashed my system. In fact it corrupted the whole publication rendering it unopenable.

Needless to say I tried various tricks, involving resaving, tweaking in Photoshop. Every time it crashed my publishing programme. In fact, I used the file in two different publications using two different software corrupted them both.

(I won't mention the swear words required to rebuild the publication from TOO old backups!)

On examination the file had TOMORROWS date in the exif.
The other 4 images had YESTERDAYS date. A two day difference despite being shot at the same time?

I cunningly put aside the work for a couple of the belief that the encrypted date would be safely passed and useable by then.

Wrong....the b*gger corrupted the files again. (fortunately newer backups prevented more reconstruction work)

So I am left thinking that a more significant corruption had been embedded and the wrong date was just a symptom.

The strange thing is, it opened ok in photoshop was only when I placed it elsewhere, the problem came out.


Sorry guys ...wasn't sure which section to post this.

Last edited on Sat Sep 13th, 2014 10:40 by Eric
