View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Sep 24th, 2014 01:36

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6830
The D7100 is definitely top of the tree at present but I think there may be a refresh (D7200) or D400 released in Feb 2015.
The D7100 is a step up. I use a Fuji XT1 and I do notice that its 16MP is a little wanting if you need to make a big crop. However if you get you image composition correct then 16MP is enough the 24MP just gove you extra comfort.

The D7000/7100 will handle much the same so it is only a question of the extra pixels and the improved in camera noise reduction that you get in the D7100.
If I was purchasing I would go for the D7100 as it is the better camera.

Still learning after all these years!