View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Apr 27th, 2012 08:59

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6834
Doug wrote:Since I don't want a multitude of plans I simply use my iPhone to serve up wifi to my iPad (and other devices like the kids iPods) when away from home OR I navigate to a nearby fast food or coffee establishment for delicious free wifi

I would consider (and in fact ended up with a pocket wifi dongle as a bonus on my plan) as an option since I can place it where it can receive the best signal and then sit comfortably connected to it over wifi (if you are using a 3G/4g iPad in weak signal areas I suppose you could hold it over your head/out the window/tent etc
Some pocket wifi dongles will even allow the addition of an antenna for improved range/signal

I'm unlikely ever to buy an iPad that has 3G/4G etc since the personal hotspot feature on most smartphones and the cheap pocket wifi dongle mean this feature on the iPad just doesn't get used

Doug is that an iPhone4 or is that also possible with a iPhone 3G.?

Still learning after all these years!