View single post by richw
 Posted: Sun Oct 12th, 2014 17:42

Joined: Tue Apr 10th, 2012
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 525
Ed Hutchinson wrote:
Hi Gilbert
I know about the D300S and it was my choise until MR Auther Itis attacked my hands and shoulders, now weight is the factor, and I want the increased performance of the newer cameras.
Ericv suggested the D7000 and it is great but the D7100 is selling for only $100.00 more, and I am still on two feet but leaning that way. This one time a few dollars will not stand in the way
I have only been able to get away from priorities a couple of times and do some serious shooting this must stop and photos must come first, the yard can wait.

Thanks for the comments

Ed ;-)


Although I love my Nikon gear, I feel that my next purchase may be a different brand - probably a fuji, because I also want something very light weight, and the lenses they are doing are also compact and small whilst still giving very good image quality.

Unfortunately I'm afraid I've hit a patch of not taking many photos recently, I need to get out of this rut before I'd buy again.