View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Dec 14th, 2014 16:09

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
In the past we had the D300 and D700 and they shared the same MB-D10 unit.

Now we have D810, D800, D750, D610, D600 bodies and each has it own battery pack so the D810/800 has a specific battety pack MB-D12, the D750 has the MB-D16 and the D610/600 have the MB-D14 but they share the same battery the EN-EL15.

It would have been really nice to have the same or a common battery grip. It is not really very difficult to design a common unit.

And before anyone says that this is good business to do this, it is not. What it does do is to drive the cheap 3rd party market offerings which are not as well built as the Nikon version but does half the price of the Nikon version. Or its worst, it makes people not buy the camera or the accessory.

Still learning after all these years!