View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Jan 4th, 2015 09:52

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
amazing50 wrote:
Just did a quick test with a 90mm macro and the results were thumbs down for my 2 converters with the D610.

The only positive I've had with this was shooting my D5100 n the Tamron 150-600.

There the images were better than cropped D610 from the same tripod location.

Here the crop from the D610 was 9mp while the D5300 was 16mp. Set to DX the D600 is 10.3 mg pix.

I've used the 2x converter on the D3 with a 300mm Nikon prime. The image was better than cropping the D3 image...just.

Using 1.4xTC the crop was no different!

I came to the conclusion that the 12mp of the D3 was the limiting factor when it came to heavy cropping.

I've gotten rid of ALL my TCs.
