View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Jan 5th, 2015 17:46

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066

A "selfie" is simpally a picture you take of yourself, nowdays usually with cell phone or a tablet phone.

Thanks for the clarification Mike, not a feature I am ever likely to use, my 'phone seems to have an amazing range of feature I will never use! LOL

Recently my computer started playing at being a 'phone and would 'ring' whenever the 'phone did. I don't have a microphone on my computer so I can't answer a call with it. Also I seemed unable to answer the call on my 'phone while the computer was ringing. Eventually I put a stop to it's shenanigans! I found the appropriate preference and un-checked it.
