View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed May 20th, 2015 17:37

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Graham Whistler wrote:
That could only be a photographer from USA!

"AND STILL some extra local knowledge to get closer than your average hide," I agree with that Eric 100%. Even a 1000mm lens would not have given me a full frame of a single bird at the distance those Avocets were!

When in France a few weeks ago there were a big group of Avocets on one of the salt flats and we very slowly walked closer taking cover but at 200 yds they were off!

I am new to this type of photography but am greatly enjoying the fun and challenge of it! I now am using 11 points of focus setting rather my former single one for birds and am getting far better more pin sharp results. Birds in the air are another story!

I have to say that the best way to photograph birds and most wildlife is to observe them from a distance then get a portable hide and wait patiently, even if it is uncomfortable and takes days.
All the fulltime animal photographers take months/years to get their great pictures. Art in any form is not easy or painless!

Still learning after all these years!