View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu May 21st, 2015 13:51

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
I just realised I am behind on this one.

I have just upgraded my broadband to unlimited because I simply didn't have the bandwidth to download updates.

I tried to update my Adobe software, it updated Photoshop CC to 2014-2.2 release. I tried to update Lightroom and expected to be using Lr6 but I seem stuck at 5.7 with camera RAW at 8.7 Sigh!

I have tried several times to make a further update but it refuses. I am on a monthly subscription for the photo suit, PsCC and LrCC.

Any suggestions how to encourage it to update to the current version please?

This is the Lightroom system info:

Attachment: Lightroom CC system info.jpg (Downloaded 23 times)
