View single post by Robert
 Posted: Fri May 22nd, 2015 03:21

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
jk wrote:
richw wrote:
This is actually the first CC version they have done for Lightroom, the others were discrete version of 5. Now you have installed CC the update process should run the same as for Photoshop.

Have you noted any major differences other than the face recognition and other stuff mentioned in the marketing blur.

For me it seems to run cleaner (faster) than the 5.x version.

Possibly but I am so hooked up on the face recognition that I haven't had chance to notice. My Mac mini seems to be running at it's limits with the face recognition.

Once I really get on top of it I want to see if I can train it to recognise flowers, By going to an image and selecting an object you can name the object, I want to see if I can train it to recognise flowers. THAT would be really useful. If that's possible then why not makes and models of cars or other objects?

I don't think the software is concerned what the object is, only the geometric proportions.
