View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue May 1st, 2012 04:29

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
There are many ways of looking at this.

Part1. If you want to show your work then putting them in your gallery works well. Then placing a link from a thread to the gallery image provides that images as a 'linked' image and in fact 'costs' nothing. The image is visible in both gallery and thread.

Part2. Putting the image in the thread as an attached image and in your gallery as well is wasteful and if everyone did this then it means that we will have to purchase more space on the server (higher hosting cost) or delete/purge images every so often from the server.

Part3. I actually like to see images in threads especially to illustrate a technique or point. As an example of good use of this then see here. Great images used to demonstrate the use of a ND filter.
I do wish I had taken these photos!

Part4. Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the blind obeyance by fools and idiots! N.B. This saying does not sit well with lawyers and law enforcement officers as they prefer binary but we all know life is full of shades of grey!

Part5. One man's pleasure is another man's poison! So it is a difficult one to define appropriate but ....... There is a difference between doing something occasionally and doing it routinely.

My two cents!

Still learning after all these years!