View single post by Eric
 Posted: Fri Jun 5th, 2015 13:02

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
jk wrote:
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
Fine aet of images Eric.
I love your different processing of the skies using different HSL toget blue or sepia or normal B&W. It really makes the images come alive.

Thanks JK

I would like to say it took lots of skill ...but the truth is it is relatively easy to separate foliage from none IR responsive elements as there is a slight blue cast to the whites and a brown cast to the darker tones. It's simply a matter of using this colour difference to separate the elements and treat them accordingly.

How do you do that?

Well assuming you have a sepia brownish image before doing anything...just click on auto colour to get an idea.

It's just a matter of setting YOUR white and black points in the image, using the Plowden technique*.

*Open file in Levels.
Take the left Black slider right across to the right till all the image disappears ...move it back slowly till a part of the image appears....that's your white point. shift click the white eye dropper on that spot to make a reference mark.
Then move the slider back to far left resting place. This time move the right White slider across to the left. Then slowly move it back till the image starts to appear...that's your black point. Use shift click on this point with the black eye dropper to leave a reference mark on the image.
Return all sliders to default position and using the white dropper click on the mark on the same with black dropper and its mark on image.
