View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Jun 6th, 2015 07:38

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4204
Graham's thread on selling fine art photos has put a burr under my saddle and set me soul searching.

Despite being a professional photographer for 20+ years I have rarely printed my photos. Mostly, they have been sent digitally to be used in commercially published literature. I have always avoided general public photography the plague! So never had to print portraits etc. I have on occasions printed some hotel interior photos, but they have always been in colour.

So despite being nearly retirement age, I am completely ignorant with regard to quality black and white digital printing. How to achieve it...what materials...what 'is' fine art quality.....etc etc.

It's this ignorance that I now realise is the main obstacle to pursuing in house printing of my work. Sure I could subcontract it, but in this nasty world releasing original high res work to a third party is a recipe for abuse.

I may have to go back to 'printing school' but in the mean time...what do you good people do to achieve saleable quality photo Art? What papers, printers, inks do you use?
