View single post by Graham Whistler
 Posted: Tue Jul 7th, 2015 04:54
Graham Whistler

Joined: Sat Apr 14th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1888
JK: The D810 would be good but it has too many MP for daily use. The more I use my D600 the more I like the 24MP rather than 36MP or 12MP

I think you make a good point there JK. My recent bird photography has showed up quite a few of the downside of the D810. Mainly images blown up from small portions do not look nearly as good as I thought they should! There is noise and grain there and sharpness is not what it should be. But as stated in above lack of sharpness is more down to poor focus so I hope I am getting on top of that.

I will keep reporting in this link as I gain more experience of this very difficult branch of photography.I hope to go down to the reserve again later this week when this much needed rain goes away.

Graham Whistler