View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Aug 4th, 2015 14:15

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6830
Eric wrote:
Presumably this is the replacement for the Fuji DSLR camera that they were toting around in the D1/D2 period? ( can't remember the model number) It was widely used for forensic crime scene investigations but still required a modifying filter to switch between UV and IR ranges.

I am sure the police forces may be interested but I am not sure there is any point in upgrading or replacing my converted XE. The pixel count is sufficient and the frequency of use compared to colour doesn't warrant further investment. The only advantage I see is ( on the face of it) Being able to shoot IR and UV images on the same body. But UV doesn't interest me.

The Fiji S3 Pro UV/IR was the camera.

I agree there seems little point in getting excited by this if you have an IR camera already (or a UV one as in Robert's case).

Still learning after all these years!