View single post by Maurice
 Posted: Wed Aug 12th, 2015 19:30


Joined: Thu Aug 6th, 2015
Location: Tambellup, Australia
Posts: 9
I guess I'll just have to push ahead with getting used to the DSLR. The dedicated users of these camera's don't seem to understand how an EVF simplifies composure of your shot so much. So it's not a live view so what? You get a pretty good imitation of what your subject looks like and you have a very good idea of what the picture is going to turn out like, almost like cheating. It can also be very handy when taking pictures of wild life where you don't have too much time to think.
I bought my DSLR because of the possibilities of achieving a better quality picture with the much larger sensor and megapixels (perhaps), and better quality lens (maybe). Hopefully it will happen eventually.
