View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Sep 22nd, 2015 14:16

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6828
TomOC wrote:

Believe me, I'm an Apple fanboy...but...they show no commitment to high end photo users. They are squarely aimed at the casual (lame) user of iPhone photos who so far have just shot and shot and have a camera roll of epic proportion, don't know how to make a folder, have no concept of archiving and/or tagging.

Aperture yesterday, Photos today, pictures tomorrow... Wast of time in my opinion.

Stick with Adobe or iView (oops, Capture One) or some SYSTEM that will survive intact.

Just my opinion...


I agree but then again we need to consider where Steve Jobs positioned Apple.
Apple is a hardware producer and seller. Software is an also ran! I still dont understand why Apple and Microsoft never got closer together to kill/control the whole marketplace. Probably a clash of two giant egos but definitely a missed opportunity. We could have had a great set of hardware supported by a decent OS from Microsoft or Apple OSX for enterprise use. Sorry but Microsoft software is too buggy for serious enterprise use where you dont want to reboot your machine every day.

Re the photography apps from Apple they are all gone now :-(
Also unfortunately I think that that we are moving to a dumbing down of photography die to the current narcissism and lack of appreciation of quality output.

Still learning after all these years!