View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Nov 1st, 2015 07:53

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Robert wrote:
Hi Eric, I will try your method too. Currently in the midst of fairly major house alterations and upheaval so my photography input is a bit more disjointed than usual. :banghead:

I am using ISO 200 to minimise the noise (the D200 does not like poor lighting, at any ISO), for the vast majority of my photography that does not matter but I have started to become interested in sunsets and post sunset photography. Until I get my D3 I need to resort to trickery! Its's bad enough at ISO 200, let alone ramping it up, although I do take your point, maybe ISO 400 might be a sweet spot, my current aim is to experiment with the software, which seems to work well enough, I processed another stack last night which included Ulswater with it's moving ripples. I intend posting some images from that stack later when I have beaten the kitchen sink unit and dish washer into submission!!!

I am very impressed with the noise removal in the latest stack I have processed, the noise is clearly defined in the unprocessed images but after the median blend on only 4 images the image is nice and clean.

Exactly my point...whichever method you use the noise will be reduced. You could probably go to 1600!
