View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sat Nov 7th, 2015 17:10

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Iain wrote:
Part of my thinking on high res is it can be cropped and still have a good mp count.

Yes, you will still have a fair Mp count Iain but will they be sharp enough?

Mp's are no substitute for a good long lens, when they demand an ultra high definition lens to provide a sharp image to crop at that level, together with a solid tripod to avoid any shake.

We have had this debate many times between using X2 converters and cropping, IMHO the cropping option you are contemplating suffers the same limitations, once you start magnifying the image significantly it becomes extremely hard to maintain image quality, no matter what route you take. There are no easy (or cheap?) options.

How is the D800 shaping up, any positive results yet?

Any pix to show, I would love to be proved wrong.
