View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Nov 25th, 2015 18:43

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Robert wrote:
It seems to be at the (distinct) boundary between dark and light areas.

I opened the original NEF in ACR and zoomed in to 400%. There appears to be a light fringe at the light side of the grey fringe.

Screen Shot of ACR:

There is a small element of CA on that image enlargement in the blue red...but it's not causing that thick edge effect. You can try using the CA reduction filter in the ACR interface. Move the red blue slider...but I bet it won't get rid of that edge effect.

I hate to say it, but do you think it's a limitation of the D200 sensor?

The D200 did suffer from Line Noise at high ISOs. I wonder if this is some sort of manifestation of that sensor issue?

I guess the only way to check this is repeating the shots under test control conditions using different lenses and different camera settings.

There is such a thing as blooming ....the spill of over exposed pixels into adjacent darker pixels. This obviously happens along contrast edges. I have always assumed the pixels neeed to be over exposed to create this spill over but maybe to some degree it happens along any light/dark interface???

Groping in the dark a bit here.

Last edited on Wed Nov 25th, 2015 18:47 by Eric
