View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Nov 26th, 2015 16:02

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6927
The initial view you see in LR is the thumbnail representation of the image from the RAW. The view you see when you go into the Develop module is the RAW image as read out by LR. I think there is a bug or design flaw in LR as it should adjust the RAW to try and match the thumbnail image header but it doesnt. Some argue that it is not possible to do this as LR does know what to do but that is in truth complete BS!

You can actually develop your own preset that you can apply to all your images that gets them to your look and feel but it means a little work for you to work this out the first time then since each image is slightly different you need to then adjust again to get them as you like!

Still learning after all these years!