View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Dec 3rd, 2015 00:17

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Hi Ed, good to hear from you!

You have prompted me to think Eye-Fi... They use SD type cards, I have never really considered Eye-Fi because I don't trust the principle and I tend to use multiple 4Gb CF cards. I do have a massive 16Gb SD card in my D3100 but never fill it, ever. I usually offload after each days session of a few snaps. a 1Gb or 2Gb card would do equally well!

But, with a D300S I could have a 4 Gb card in the CF slot and an Eye Fi card in the SD slot. Save the same data to both and then I have belt and braces (suspenders?) I can export selected images to my Mac Book Pro or iPad by wi-fi if I wish and when I get home I have the option to have the images transfer to my desktop Mac as I take them, I think...

I have just been browsing the Eye-Fi website and I am rather confused, they seem to be pushing Cloud storage now. Not sure if the original function of wi-fi transfer still works without sending it to "all my devices". I really don't want "all my devices" swamped with hundreds of near identical NEF files which I then have to delete, as happens when I take photographs with my iPhone. Happy to share but on MY terms please!
