View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu May 3rd, 2012 16:35

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
TomOC wrote: Rich- We'll have to call you Capt Kirk, for going where no man has gone before. I so mistrust Adobe that I assume there are some big gotcha problems with the contract. Hope I'm wrong but the one thing I know is they didn't promote that system for our benefit, but for theirs. Not trying to rain on your parade - I really hope it works, but I'm glad not to be the one to trial it. Please keep us informed of your issues and / or lack of them. This may well be the future of all software, for all I know :-) Cheers, Tom I agree but being a cynic the only people I can see benefiting from this is Adobe as it will help manage the problem of pirate copies of PhotoShop. I think there are better ways of reducing piracy. One of them is to reduce prices and sell in volume with the option of with/without support.

Still learning after all these years!