View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat Dec 19th, 2015 14:27

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Robert is pretty expert at this probably more so than me.

OK In my experience if you are using long exposures such as 1 hour or more (or even >5 mins) it is better to run the camera on an external DC power supply or the approved Nikon Nikon AC adapter.
Depending on your camera and your uses this may be an expensive option.

Over the years I have built adapters and battery packs to suit my cameras.

Best is to shoot RAW and do your own noise reduction (need to switch off long exposure Noise Reduction in the CSM.

For the 8 hour start trail you need do a multiple long exposure set of 50-200 images (each image 2-10 minutes) rather than one big exposure then combine in Photoshop.
Also use lowest ISO e.g. ISO200.
That way if necessary you can change batteries along the way ;-) Saves the expenses of external DC supply or Nikon external AC power adapter for the camera.

For really nice star trails you need a polar mount or set up your camera on the tripod pointing North and adjust very carefully then you get nice results.

Still learning after all these years!