View single post by Robert
 Posted: Thu Jan 7th, 2016 00:17

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
amazing50 wrote:
A pair of 128gb XQD cards will run about $ 900 US.:applause:

The card recommended by Nikon is the Lexar 2933x XQD 2.0 card

A pair of 128Gb = ~ $1,200

A pair of 64Gb = ~ $658

A pair of 32Gb = ~ $356

I would have though anybody able to afford $5,200 for a body would be able to afford the investment in the cards? You don't HAVE to get two and you probably don't need 128Gb cards. Bit like buying a Ferrari but not affording the petrol...

How much is 3.2 MILLION ASA film a roll? The D5 can take 200 shots continuously at 3.2 million ISO @ 12 shots/second. That would be a lot of film?


The fastest Color film I could find quickly was 400 & 800ASA @ about £10 per 36 exposure roll. At a motorcycle race meeting or a days photography of a botanic garden, I usually take at least 1000 exposures, that would be in the region of £360 for film, on ONE day! Then would need processing @ about £10 per roll... Then you would have to either print or scan the negatives.

Looking at it from that POV the cards are pretty cheap.
