View single post by Robert
 Posted: Fri Mar 18th, 2016 02:35

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
The comparison with Lightroom alone doesn't stand up JK, the deal is £7.50 (ish) for the suit, which integrates well. Now I have mastered the Lightroom black and white point it's even better!

I was wrong, it's £8.50 (ish), it's my MS Office 365 suit which is £7.50 (ish). It is still an outstanding deal in my opinion.

The only other thing I could do with is the ability to add my copyright © text in my choice of font, colour, size and orientation. It may come.

The bottom line is I get to use up to date software that I need, as a compatible suit, at a price even I can afford. OK, you can do the sums and over ten years it's probably a lot of money but at £8.50 a month I don't really notice it. £102 a year and £1020 over ten years... But for the functionality and continuous updates in my opinion it's well worth it.

I have never had a 'signing in' issue, I just use it when I need it? Te only signing in issue I have had has been with Mobile, it keeps dropping out of iOS devices but I think it may have been fixed with this update. They also seem to have already fixed the panorama alignment issue already so that's good.

I haven't updated either yet so I haven't met the joys of the issues you mention regarding permissions, they may not apply to my version, or may even have been rectified by the time I do get round to updating. Busy gardening at the moment. Have to grab this wonderful weather.


One final point, regarding collections of images held in Lightroom catalogues. My understanding is, if you stop subscribing to Adobe for the suit, your images and the library module remain fully functional so you can access all of your images for as long as you need. It's the image processing and other functions which stop working.
