View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sun Mar 27th, 2016 00:04

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
jk wrote:
I am surprised that the Nik software does such a good processing of an IR image straight out the box to a B&W image.

I need to practice with Color Efex now.

Thanks Robert for another set of experiments I need to do.

Have had a play with your image JK, took it int Lr, then to Colour Efex, tried various filters and ended up using just Detail Extractor.

I made a screenshot of the control points and settings so you can try it yourself.

I tried to improve the definition of the paving and the ferns and other large leaved plants.

And the control points:

I am very impressed how well the Nik software deals with the subtle shades of the IR. Seems a worthy replacement for Bibble.

As I remarked above, I just hope Nik is supported into the future now the sales revenue has been stopped.

Having seen the output here I don't think it has improved it as much as I thought but the darker areas have benefited from the adjustments. Small JPEG isn't a good starting point...

The reflections in the pool have improved, I think there are subtle improvements if you look for them. I tried Darken edges Lighten Centre, Pro Contrast and a couple of others but the Extract Detail seemed best.
