View single post by Robert
 Posted: Fri Apr 8th, 2016 13:01

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Today my D3 arrived. I have been waiting for this since 2006, OK, I know the D3 was't made then but it was what I wanted when I bought my D1 in 2006.

JK has been kind enough to release his D3 to me. I have already been out and taken it for a short walk. No pix worth sharing unfortunately, yet.

I am going through the menus making setting to suit my ways. For example, since I usually use Aperture priority I find it easier to adjust the rear command dial rather than the front dial which then leaves my finger free to rest on the shutter release instead of the front command dial.

Once I make some pix I am prepared to share, I will post them here.

I am really excited that at last I have a really good camera. I am going to enjoy this. Although it's going dusk here I am taking good sharp photographs in my room and it looks like it's daylight.
