View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun May 6th, 2012 06:40

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6927
Doug wrote: I think (when importing to Lightroom) you must've clicked 'copy' at the top centre of the import window when you should have clicked 'add' 'add' does not touch or duplicate the file but merely access them in their current location As for searching - LR has it's faults (can't sort by size etc), but it is a powerful and robust catalog system that makes search easy (especially when you start to use smart albums)

Yes that is a killer if you click the Add button. I really hate having that button there but its just the way I work I'm sure there are some people who prefer it that way. I prefer to do my own housekeeping!!

Still learning after all these years!