View single post by Squarerigger
 Posted: Sun May 6th, 2012 06:23

Joined: Wed Apr 4th, 2012
Location: Goose Creek, South Carolina USA
Posts: 418
jk wrote:
Squarerigger wrote: Congratulations on the new D4. I would have really liked to have gotten either the D3 or D3s you had but getting my wifes approval got in the way. o.O

Gary, You should have told her it was a larger but lighter edition of the D7000.
She may not have noticed the extra weight.  :lol:

Where were you Jonathan when I was searching for good answers to her questions as to why she needed to carry a heavier camera? Maybe the answer is to slowly add lead discs to the bottom of the D7000 so she would never know it was heavier. Time is on my side.
