View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Jun 4th, 2016 11:38

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
novicius wrote:
Thanks Eric,..intended to do just that , but...

The D1 / D1x can only take up to 2 gb cards , and them are getting scarce , and this is the second Sandusk Ultra it happened with , the first one was when I had just bought them , within a few shots one was broken , luckily the Vendor replaced it , perhaps I was unlucky and got a dodgy batch , they are genuine tho`,..I checked.

So I was looking around and noticed the " Industrial " grade ones , but them are Pricey , ..also saw the Ultra II cards , any one tried those ?

Also read that CF cards are soon on their wat out , leaving SD and XQD , anyone can confirm this ?

It's a long time since I had the D1X, so maybe I am wrong about this... I THOUGHT that you could use bigger capacity cards than 2gb, BUT the D1X 'saw' and could only use 2 gb of it. So you might be able to get 8gb cards more easily and just use 2gb. Just a thought.

Last edited on Sat Jun 4th, 2016 11:45 by Eric
