View single post by Robert
 Posted: Sun Jun 19th, 2016 08:34

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Coming from a background of needing four or more text editors to create a simple text document. I welcome only needing two pieces of software to do almost anything with an image.

Having found how to adjust levels in Lightroom I could probably do 99% of my image adjustment and enhancement now, but I definitely need ps to insert aircraft in landscapes!!!

I remember you admonishing me for experimenting wit various software and suggesting I would be better sticking with proven software rather than dabbling in the Unknown.

I stuck with that ethos and I am sure I am better off for having done so.

For someone coming fresh to photography then by all means experiment, that's the best way to gain experience but no good trying to teach an old dog new tricks!

