View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Jul 10th, 2016 10:30

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4189
jk wrote:
I just bought a Fuji X30 as it better than my Nikon as a pocket/walk around camera.
I do find that we need to always compromise with image quality, getting the shot and also not worrying overly on using the best or heavy gear all the time.
Sometimes just getting the shot is what is required.

Getting the shot is ALWAYS what is required. ;-)

I am not suggesting a slide into mediocrity. However, many of the cheap compacts, phone and tablet images we see, fail due to technique rather than the equipment capability. If you know and work within the limitations of the equipment you should always be able to get good images. They may not be as sharp, may have more noise, limitations of reach etc...but the image should be sufficiently engaging to overcome those limitations.
