View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Jul 26th, 2016 05:26

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4189
jk wrote:
I am sure that the D900 will be coming at the end of this year.
D900 = FX version of D500.

Why not wait for the D950 or the D1050?

There will always be another model coming along. The question is when do you actually say 'this is all I need" and buy one?

I haven't tried a D500 yet but from reports on its speed of use I would totally accept the reviews comparison with the D750.....if you want speed of use for sports and wildlife ...get the D500. For everything else, the D750 will suffice.

I am considering getting back into wildlife...if I do, I will get a D500. I imagine my D750 will then be redundant. The question then will be the D500 going to also fill the roles the D750 AND Fuji equipment fulfil?

I could quite image a better pairing would be the D810 for high res work and a D500 for everything else.

