View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Aug 2nd, 2016 03:51

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Have just looked steampunk up myself, frankly I don't do these 'punk' things myself but that's irrelevant. Very interesting, I took a look at google images and although there are many good pics among them for me none had the appearance of quality and depth that these images have.

I came across this link:

Thought the camera D3S was topical.

Have discussed the first image with my son Chris(12) and he wasn't taken in, I asked him if he felt it was authentic, he said the fire didn't look right (the top part doesn't match with the lower part) and from that the whole image fell into question for him. I noticed that myself but overrode it in my mind because on the whole the composite is very convincing and it appears theatrical, so leeway is given.

A slight concern for me is the lack of ash under the fire...

An aside, when I was about 7 we had a very similar range in our kitchen, complete with kettle which was always on the hob, I made a pot of tea for my mother but didn't put the kettle back on the hob properly and it fell off, the boiling water badly scalded my foot, so I am very aware of kettles on open fire hobs, even in photographs!
