View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat Sep 3rd, 2016 15:33

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6828
I have to agree as I have been using my Fujis and Nikons together FX v DX is not a real comparison.

16MP DX Fuji v 16/24MP DX Nikon is little difference.
12MP FX v 16MP DX then there is little or no difference except in low light where FX wins.
24MP FX v 16MP DX then obviously the FX wins.
24MP FX v 24MP DX and then once again it is pixel peeping to spot the difference except in low light.

Then you consider the difference in camera weight and the Fuji system is ahead. Fuji lenses are as good as Nikon lenses.

Then you consider the AF performance and the Nikon wins.

Very very difficult balance point.
Got to be a personal decision at this point. The XT2 may or may not be a game changer.
I personaly prefer the XT1 and XT2 layout to the Nikon as it is simpler but until I get my XT2 then I dont know if the AF will be equal to the Nikon. As soon as this happens then I feel that my Nikons will be traded.

Still learning after all these years!