View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Sep 12th, 2016 17:46

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
On our Skye trip Christopher switched the D3300 off except when he was actually taking photo's, I explained to him that the cameras have a little computer inside and every time you start the camera you use a chunk of battery booting the computer up again. When we went to Eric's and Cadwell Park he left the camera switched on while he was using the camera and didn't switch it off until he had finished taking photo's.

He used two batteries on Skye to make about 700 exposures, when we went to Eric's and Cadwell Park he took about 600 exposures and was still on the first battery when the rain came and I put the camera away.

Not very scientific but I'm sure with the Nikon DSLR's it's better to leave the camera switched on for the duration of the session.

Except if you are changing lenses, especially VR lenses.
